Previous Projects

A selection of previous projects we have worked on over the years.
Automating the Vintage London Gas Lamps

Did you know, in Central London they still have 1500 vintage Gas Lamps in use? If not – trying looking up whilst in Covent Garden! We are in the process of converting clockwork Lamp controllers into digitally controlled lamp controllers, some of which will be monitored via the internet. Picture here are a batch of controllers. Featuring an internal clock and almanac, these controllers will adjust the times that the gas lamps turn on and off according to the time of year. Some of these were installed into Gas Lamps in early 2021, in the grounds of the Actors Church in Central London.

Automatic Platform for photographing insects

Stepper motor controlled platform that moves up in 0.1mm and 0.5mm increments to allow the photography of Butterflies under a microscope. The unit can be contolled using buttons on the base, and also over USB from a computer.

Supporting the 2020 Charity Covid PPE Effort

Winter & Smith spent a large part of the lockdown period, 3d printing 120 of the Prusa RC3 PPE headbands for facemasks, for use in the PPE appeal. Each headband took over 6 hours to print and prepare, so our Raise3d Pro2 and Ultimaker 2 printers were very busy. The appeal for PPE was announced in early April, and organised by, Winter and Smith are proud to have been able to help.

Do you need help Providing Data Secure Workspaces?

Bespoke device to help reseachers work on secure projects from home, for a UK University. Winter and Smith were approached to design a secure system to restrict access to computer video screens for remote workers. The system interfaced with a touch key with a unique, factory-lasered and tested 64-bit registration number. This formed the basis for a system, that unlocked and enabled an HDMI data stream when the correct key was applied.

Is your fire sprinkler system working?

The design of an 8-channel expansion module to compliment Flowatch's range of BS9251 sprinker monitoring System.

Protecting the hearing of AMG F1 Engine Factory Staff

A mesh networked noise monitoring system for Mercedes AMG for use in their F1 engine manufacturing plant. Depending on how noisy and where the noise was located different light up signs would light up to warn the operators to put on ear defenders.

Our Test equipment is still being used 42 years later!

In 1970, Winter & Smith were founded and our first client was the Amphenol Connector Company in Whitstable, Kent. (In fact they asked Mike Winter & Fred Smith to start the company). Pictured here, is a piece of equipment built in 1976 – that was still in use in 2018!

Creation of Interactive demonstration equipment

Equipped with 140 stepper motor-controlled platforms, this system could be programmed to rise and fall on demand, to attract the attention of consumers in airports. This system took 8 months to assemble, and was exhibited in France for our client.

Sometimes, the only way you know what colour looks best – is to build some samples.

Design of Battery Powered Alarm Systems for vacant properties. Over 1000 vacant property alarms have been produced over the years. Pictured above are sample units, to allow our client to work out what brand identity they wanted the latest batch of alarms to look like.

Design of a 10,000V impulse tester

Some of our clients build products that need testing, and whilst they know everything about their particular area of expertise – know nothing about test equipment. This piece of automatic equipment supplied high voltage to Transient Suppressors used by the railway industry, and monitored the characteristics of the response. This allowed our client to test and certify the parts they had made.

Sometimes – you can’t buy a solution off the shelf

Design of Custom lighting control systems. The equipment pictured below, was part of a variety of systems designed for the control of Christmas Lighting. The controllers shown here, were fitted in Leeds Castle in Kent.

Showing the time at London 2012

Designing electronics for the London 2012 Olympics. At the London 2012 Olympic Games, one of the horse jumps for the equestrian event in Greenwich Park – crossed the Meridian Line. We were contracted to design a system to control 22 clock faces, that showed the time of all the competing nations. Each clock was individually controlled by GPS and the second hand on every clock moved in perfect synchronisation with all the others.

Controlling Repair Equipment

Designing electronics for undersea cable repair. Incorporating a full colour TFT touch screen, the cable repair system controlled four heater systems and followed a heating profile for the vulcanisation of undersea cable repairs

Design and Manufacture of Medical Equipment

Monitoring equipment for Respiratory Analysis. Featuring a graphical LCD display, this unit monitors breath pressure both for inhalation and expiration, analyses the results and produces graphical data in a manner a clinician will understand. The unit also connects to a PC application via USB, to allow the results to be printed in a GDPR compliant way. The unit has passed all appropriate medical approvals, and has been exported worldwide.

GPS Tracking with a difference

Monitoring more than just location. This tracking system not only monitors the movement and location of the unit, but also interfaces with clients equipment to allow them to monitor precise usage of their rental equipment. Communicating with a bespoke Iot Server, and using middleware to communicate with the clients server - the system provides live analysis.

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